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Getting the community more active is BFR’s goal for next six weeks

The annual Keeping Active program is beginning at BFR on Jan. 20 and ending Feb. 28, according to Carole Enneking, BFR director.

She said, "Over the next six weeks, individuals and families are encouraged to learn more about healthy eating and add more activity to their schedules."



Sr. Center can help you create a t-shirt quilt

Have you ever wanted to create a quilt from your household collection of old t-shirts?

The Bluffton Senior Center can help. The Center's experts can give advice on preparing and sewing the t-shirts and its volunteers can knot the finished top.

Call the Senior Center at 419-358-8971 for pricing and times.


BHS 1970 girls get together Feb. 6 at Tu Pueblo

The Bluffton High School class of 1970 girls will be getting together Thursday, Feb 6, at Tu Pueblo Mexican Restaurant in Bluffton at 6 p.m.


65 degree extreme from Jan. 7 to Jan. 11

Leave it to Ohio weather.

One day (Jan. 6 and Jan. 7) it's 15 below zero and all the pipe in the house are suspect. Three days later (Jan. 10 and Jan. 11) it's 65 degrees warmer and people are walking around in shorts - we spotted some university students dressed this way.

According to Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer, that's the low and high of the weather during the past seven days.

If you don't believe us, for a complete summary of the daily weather in the Icon viewing area, open the chart in the attachment at the bottom of this story.


BHS sophomores will visit Apollo on Jan. 31

Approximately 675 sophomores in Apollo Career Center¹s 11-member district, including Bluffton HS sophomores, will visit Apollo during 411Blast, Friday, Jan. 31. Parents of sophomore students interested in attending Apollo for the 2014-15 school year are also invited to attend.

Bluffton students will attend sessions held at 9 to 9:58 a.m. and 10:02 to 11 a.m. Lunch will be served from 11:05 to 11:35 a.m.


Main Street holiday lights removed on Wednesday night

The Bluffton Fire Department will take down Main Street storefront holiday lights on Wednesday evening, weather permitting, according to Jon Kinn, fire chief.

The poles and other work requiring the high lift (Citizens National Bank) will be scheduled later.


