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Regional news

Sportmen's Club annual meeting moved to Feb. 1

The annual meeting of the Bluffton Sportmen's Club has been cancelled for tonight, Saturday, Jan. 25.  It will be rescheduled for the same time on Feb. 1, according to Tom Augsburger, club president. 


Icon provides answers to your Bluffton village income tax questions

It's almost village tax time.

The Village of Bluffton has its own income tax forms and information about who and how to file. The details are on the Village website. Click here to access the website.

The website has copies of all forms needed to complete village tax work.

The Icon provides the following  information about the village income tax.


Bluffton chamber launches monthly "cash mob" - first one at The Dough Hook Jan. 29

Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce announces a new monthly program promoting downtown shopping in Bluffton.

Each month the chamber will hold a “Cash Mob Day.” The first one is from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 29, with The Dough Hook, 117 N. Main St., as the host business. The downtown meat market and deli will extend its normal hours until 5:30 p.m. to allow additional shoppers to visit the business.


Dan and Edna Dalke observe 71st wedding anniversary

Dan and Edna Dalke, Inman, Kan., formerly of Bluffton, will celebrate their 71st wedding anniversary on Jan. 22. Rev. Dalke is a former pastor of Ebenezer Mennonite Church, Bluffton.

Rev. Dalke provided the following information about the couple's wedding:

"On Jan. 22, one day after the great blizzard of 1943 only one half of the invited and expected guests were able to assemble at the country church for the wedding of Edna Elizabeth Franz and Dan U. Dalke. The church was (still is) 20 miles from the nearest town.


Library board meetings set for 2014

The Board of Trustees of Bluffton Public Library has announced its meeting schedule for 2014. Meetings will be held the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the library's Riley Board Room at 145 South Main St., Bluffton. No meetings will take place in July or December.

Board members are Elizabeth Hostetler, president; Bob Beer, vice president; Carrie Phillips, secretary; Emily Goldsberry, Amy Lehman-Mikesell, Robert Scott and Nancy Yeager. The meetings are open to the public.


Bluffton Lions Club offers two $500 scholarships

The Bluffton Lions club is offering two $500 educational scholarships this spring to graduating seniors in the Bluffton, Pandora-Gilboa or Cory-Rawson school districts. 

Interested students should contact their school guidance counselor for an application and more information.

