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Bluffton schools will be in session on Presidents' Day

Due to the many school day cancellations Bluffton schools will be in session on Presidents' Day, Monday, Feb. 17, according to Greg Denecker, superintendent.

Presidents' Day has traditionally been a holiday for Bluffton schools, but because of the many cancellations, this year it's a school day.


Village: Don't park your car in middle of roadway

The Village of Bluffton is experiencing issues with cars parking nearly in the middle of the roadway due to snow at the curbs on several streets, according to Jamie Mehaffie, village administrator.

It appears as though these vehicles are parking away from the curb so passengers can open the door and exit the vehicle, but then leaving the vehicle parked nearly in the middle of the driving lane. 

One vehicle was parked a mere three feet from the painted center line of South Main Street.


Bluffton Child Development Center has openings for infants

The Bluffton Child Development Center, 325 County Line Road, Bluffton, has openings for infants, according to Lauren Osting, director.

Parents may contact the Center for more information at:

Lauren Osting
BCDC Director
Phone: 419-358-8222
Fax: 419-358-1737


Brad Yoder performs in Town Hall Series at First Mennonite Feb. 16

On Sunday, February 16 at 4 p.m., the Bluffton Town Hall Concert Series will feature Brad Yoder in a performance at First Mennonite Church.


Bluffton Hospital offers colon cancer screening

Bluffton Hospital is offering special colon cancer screening days for the convenient scheduling of colonoscopies. Upcoming screening days will be held Monday, February 24 and Saturday, March 15. Appointments are limited. To schedule an appointment, call Bluffton Hospital at 419-369-2365.

Colon cancer screening is recommended every 10 years for both men and women between the ages of 50 and 75. If family history or other risk factors exist, earlier screening may be recommended. Call Bluffton Hospital or ask your doctor for more information.


Jeff Sprague will present Charles M. Hankish award at Apollo tonight

Apollo Career Center Honors Graduates, Alumni and Citizens of the Year

TApollo Career Center will celebrate National Career Technical Education month starting with its annual All Area Boards meeting, Thursday, Feb. 6,  at 6 p.m. in the Apollo Commons.

Board members from Apollo’s 11-member schools and three County Educational Service Centers will be present, in addition to special guests.

