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Summer fitness classes begin June 3 at BFR

BFR Sports & Fitness announced its summer fitness class schedule. According to Carole Enneking, director, “Group fitness is still a popular workout option even in the summer."  

This summer, an early morning Kettlebell Training class will be offered on Tuesdays beginning at 5:30 a.m. In addition, the 30-minute TBC (Total Body Conditioning) class will meet each weekday morning and the 8:30 a.m.

All Star Workout and YogaFit classes will continue.  Evening options will be more limited until July when several running programs are introduced.


BVHS corporate PR & marketing earns Aster Awards

The Blanchard Valley Health System Corporate PR & Marketing Department has earned two awards in the 2013 Aster Awards competition. These awards included the “Gold” award in the brochure advertising category and the “Silver” award in the patient education category.

The winning brochure was created for the Blanchard Valley Health Foundation’s Gifts from the Heart grateful patient program, and the winning patient education piece is a new patient menu for all inpatients at Blanchard Valley Hospital.


Weekly weather summary: No fun on Memorial Day

A little rain, temps dip into the 60s and suddenly Memorial Day's outdoor picnic is ruined. Here's the past seven day weather summary from Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer.

                   High       Low      Prec.

May 21          86       70
May 22          80       63
May 23          70       46         0.05
May 24          63       42
May 25          67       38
May 26          70       42        trace
May 27          63       50        0.52


Perry Bush June 4 Lions Club speaker

The Bluffton Lions Club will meetat noon, Tuesday, June 4, in the Patio Room of Maple Crest. Perry Bush, member of the Bluffton University faculty is the speaker.

He will talk about "Lecturing Down the Dnipro:  A Semester in the Ukraine."  The club will also have installation of the new officers for the coming year of 2013-2014.  


Rain moves Memorial Day inside

The 2013 Bluffton Memorial Day observance was held in the Middle School cafetorium because of a continual light rain on Monday morning. The Icon offers three videos of the ceremony.

Click for Memorial Day introduction video

Click for National Anthem

Click for Korean War moment


Memorial Day ceremony moved to Middle School - 10 a.m.


Bluffton's traditional Memorial Day parade and ceremony at Maple Grove Cemetery takes place Monday, May 27, according to John Wagner, commander of the Bluffton American Legion Post 382.

The parade starts at the Bluffton town hall at 9:30 a.m. Those who would like to participate in the parade are asked to be at the town hall at 9:15 a.m.

The Bluffton American Legion Post # 382 Honor Guard will lead the parade followed by the Bluffton High School Band.

