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Some snow shoveling tips to avoid back pain and injury

“Snow shoveling is one of those things that no one likes to do, but most of us have to do – living here in Northwest Ohio”, states Wanda Dean, MSPT and owner of Northwest Physical Therapy. “What often accompanies this chore is the aching back and the heating pad, making the rest of your day miserable.”  Dean goes on to state, “There are some things we can all do to prevent injury and make snow shoveling a chore that doesn’t have to cause pain.”

Here are some tips to keep you healthy and pain-free this winter while shoveling snow:


Babes born at Bluffton Hospital Dec. 10 - Jan. 5

Bluffton Hospital and some very happy parents provided the Icon with a list of babies born in the last few weeks.  They are:

Dec. 10 - Harper June Maple, daughter of Jason and Marcy Maple, 21 inches long, 8 pounds and 3 ounces.

Dec. 11 - Amethyst Lynn Thompson, daughter of Amanda Patterson and Donald Thompson, 21 inches long, 10 pounds and 6 ounces.

Dec. 11 - Jase W. Blackburn, son of Jake and Kelli Blackburn, 18 inches long, 6 pounds and 8 ounces.


Here are four area facebook sites worth "liking"

The Icon encourages Facebook fans interested in all the latest information about Bluffton to "like" three facebook pages that cover the Bluffton community.

Also, The Icon encourages Facebook fans to consider liking the Ada Icon Facebook site. The Ada icon is a sister publication of the Bluffton icon.

The site links follow:
Bluffton Icon - currently has 821 followers


2012 warmer and dryer than recent years

Does it seem like it's been warmer this past year? Well, that's because it was. 

The overall average temperature for 2012 was three degrees warmer than 2011.  Even the average coldest temperatures of 2012 were warmer than the average coldest temperatures of the previous six years.  Last year was, in fact, warmer than any of the previous six years, according to weather statistics gathered by Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer.


Can you imagine a December with an average daily temperature above freezing?

Guy Verhoff, Icon weather observer provided a summary of our December weather.  Here goes:

The high temprature in December was 66 degrees on Dec. 3. The low was 14 degrees on Dec. 28. The average December 2012 temperature was 36.9 degrees. The normal average for December is 29.2 degrees.

The precipitation for December 2012 was 3.03 inches. The normal average precipitation is 2.69 inches.  Additionally, December snow totals were 12.7 inches.  All in all, we seem do be doing a little catch up from our dry November. 


Taking a new year's afternoon-eve stroll in Motter Metro park

The Icon photographer took a new year's afternoon-eve walk in the Motter Metro Park on the edge of Bluffton.

The beauty of the winter landscape is display in several photos in the flip book. The Icon invites viewers to enjoy the photos during new year's eve.

