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Junior Cheerleader Clinic and halftime performance set for February

The Bluffton High School cheerleading program will present a first grade through sixth grade Junior Cheerleader Clinic and halftime performance in February, according to Hannah Slechter, coach.

"Participants will attend a cheer clinic on Wednesday, Feb. 13. There they will be taught chants and a dance to perform Friday, Feb. 15, during a BHS varsity boys' basketball game," Slechter told The Icon.


CASA of Allen and Putnam Counties seeks volunteer advocates; orientation meeting Jan. 29

A local service agency invites adults to consider volunteering in a program that assists victims of crimes. The next training class will begin March 12. An orientation to be held Tuesday, Jan. 29.

Amy Wiechart-Bayliff, volunteer coordinator of CASA of Allen and Putnam Counties, explained how the program works at the Jan. 11 Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce breakfast.


Apollo Career Center plans celebration as kick-off to National Career Technical Education Month

Apollo Career Center will hold Apollopalooza on Jan. 29, 5:30 p.m. - 7 p.m., to kick-off National Career and Technical Education Month, which runs through February according to Dana Dukes Norton, community relations liaison. 

Apollopalooza will showcase both the high school and adult education programs. The event is free and open to the public.


Yeah, it feels like January

Suddenly it feels like January. Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer, provided the Icon with the past seven day maximum temperature, minimum temperature and precipitation. The high for the past seven days was 50 and the low 8 

Jan. 15  30  19
Jan. 16  34  25
Jan. 17  40  20
Jan. 18  39  19
Jan. 19  50  36
Jan. 20  43  18 trace
Jan. 21  21    8 trace


If you're in business, it's time to fill out the 2012 Economic Census

The Economic Census is the U.S. Government's official five-year measure of American business and the economy. It is conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau, and response is required by law.

Forms go out to nearly 4 million businesses, including large, medium and small companies representing all U.S. locations and industries. Respondents are asked to provide a range of operational and performance data for their companies.

Response to the Economic Census is important for your industry, your community and your business.


BFR offers pre-season training for track and field athletes

A pre-season training program for track and field athletes will be offered Feb. 5-28 at BFR Sports & Fitness, according to Carole Enneking of BFR.

Jumpstart Track will use running and strength training to improve physical condition as well as teach the mechanics of starts and explosion. Eight, one-hour sessions on Tuesday
and Thursday nights (8-9 p.m.) are included for the cost of $90. 

