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Greg Conkling speaker at Jan. 13 chamber breakfast

Greg Conkling of Greg's Pharmacy is the featured speaker of the Friday, Jan. 13, Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce breakfast. The event takes place in the third floor of the Bluffton town hall.

Breakfast serving starts at 7 a.m. and the program begins at 7:30 a.m. Greg's Pharmacy observed its 25th anniversary as a downtown Bluffton business this fall. Conkling will talk about several aspects of operating an independent pharmacy in a small town during the breakfast.


Holiday garland and snowflakes coming down on Saturday

Want to enjoy Main Street's holiday lights one more time. Take a final look. On Saturday the new garland and 13 lighted snowflakes are coming down.

Members of the Bluffton fire department will remove the garland and snowflakes. The garland is owned by the store owners of Main Street and will be stored by them until next November.

Thanks to individual and business sponsorships fo the snowflakes, the 13 new additions to Main Street are owned by the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce. They will be stored until next November also.


What's for lunch: January school menus posted

January school menus are now posted for Icon viewers.

Click here for the Bluffton middle school/elementary menu

Click here for the Bluffton High School menu


April 17 this year's federal tax deadline

The Internal Revenue Service today opened the 2012 tax filing season by announcing that taxpayers have until April 17 to file their tax returns. The IRS encourages taxpayers to e-file as it is the best way to ensure accurate tax returns and get faster refunds.

The IRS also announced a number of improvements to help make this tax season easy for taxpayers. This includes new navigation features and helpful information on and a new pilot to allow taxpayers to use interactive video to get help with tax issues.



Our bird of paradise tropical plant is in full bloom inside this glass house on the Bluffton University campus located on Rosenberger Drive.


Here's the Jan. 5 community meal menu

The first community meal of 2012 is hosted by St. Mary's Catholic Church. The meal is at 6 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 5, at the Bluffton Senior Citizens Center. The dinner is free and open to the public, sponsored by the Bluffton Inter Church Board.

The menu follows:

Beef vegetable soup
Chicken noodle soup
Ham and bean soup
rolls and butter
cookies and brownies
coffee and punch

