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Icon adds RSS feed so viewers may follow our classified ads

Due to its growing popularity, The Bluffton Icon now offers an RSS feed for all classified ads. The feed is available at

What is an RSS feed?


Relay for Life meetings Jan. 5

Bluffton's January Relay for Life meetings are Thursday, Jan. 5, in the Bluffton town hall, according to Adam Blevins.

The Relay committee will meet at 6 p.m., and all teams are encouraged to attend our team meeting / rally at 7 p.m.

"If you haven't signed your team up yet, we'll have access to sign your team up online," said Blevins.


Jazzercise classes start in Bluffton on Jan. 9

Jazzercise classes are starting, Monday, Jan. 9, in Bluffton, according to J'aime Stratton, instructor.

Class times are Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. and Saturdays at 8:30 a.m. in the basement of English Lutheran Church, 111 Grove St.

Contact J'aime Stratton at 419-371-8422, [email protected], or, or visit for more information.


Lots of adult fitness opportunities start now at BFR

BFR is the place to start for winter exercise.

Adult Fitness class options include aerobics, water exercise, Zumba
dance fitness, YogaFit, senior fitness options and Total Body
Conditioning, according to Carole Enneking, BFR director.

"Try out any BFR class for one time without any fees. Class
fees for non-members are $5 and $3 for BFR members. Purchase an AnyClass Card for additional savings. BFR does not require pre-registration for fitness classes; participants are encouraged to attend a variety of classes," she said.


December's average temp. 42; normally it's 29

Here's the seven-day report for December from Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer.

Date High Low Rain Snow

Dec. 25 46 31
Dec. 26 44 32
Dec. 27 36 31 0.42 0.8
Dec. 28 35 25
Dec. 29 46 27
Dec. 30 49 37 0.11
Dec. 31 42 37


Icon will pass the one-half millionth view in 2012

In 2011 The Bluffton Icon continued to rack up an impressive growth of total views and individual viewers, according to its owners Fred and Mary P. Steiner. During 2012 the Icon's total views will reach one-half million. As of Dec. 31, The Icon has had 443,197 total views since it was launched in September 2009.

