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Bluffton's Brand of Broadway, flea market, Civil War encampment, Boy Scout Indian village and lots more on Friday

Adam Belcher shows off his painted face from Thursday's kid's art activities - these continue on Friday

Watch a video preview of Bluffton's Brand of Broadway" - click here.

Two days remain - but they might be the best two! Bluffton's sesquicentennial celebration has a full weekend of activities planned Friday and Saturday, July 1 and 2.

Here's Friday's schedule:


Lots of activities for youth on Thursday in Bluffton

If Monday was Ladies' Day, then Thursday, June 30, must be Kid's Day. Bluffton sesquicentennial events continue with a schedule of events gears for youth planned.

Here's Thursday's schedule:
o10 a.m. to 2 p.m. - Children's activities planned in the Bluffton Presbyterian Church alley
o10 a.m. to 5 p.m. - Adult and children art and photo contest, also in the Presbyterian Church yard.
o2 to 4 p.m. - American Girl tea at the Bluffton Senior Citizens Center


Icon now offers printer-friendly discount coupons

Several new features have joined The Bluffton Icon recently. The newest is a "Coupon Page." This feature will list Bluffton area coupons in a convenient to use, printer-friendly format.

Fred Steiner of The Icon said that several businesses have indicated an interest in having coupons on the website. "We've experimented with several ideas and have now launched our coupon concept."


1934 Ohio plate

The Icon spotted this plate at Wheels. Not a bad color combination.


Suddenly it's summer: where's the rain?

Suddenly it's summer. Highs in the 80s, lows in the 60s and what became of the rain? Here's the weather summary for the recent seven days reported by Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer.

Date Max Min Prec

June 21 91 68 0.33
June 22 82 67 0.27
June 23 75 64 0.01
June 24 68 60 0.04
June 25 79 59
June 26 83 63
June 27 83 60


Pandora council awards $54,370 street work contract

Pandora council awarded a contract to Ward Construction for the purpose of street work in the village and for manhole and value repairs. Ward's bid of $54,370 for the project was the only bid received, according to Lana Burry, village fiscal officer.

Other action from the meeting, held June 14, follows:

The Pandora Village Council met in Regular Session on Tuesday,
June 14, 2011 at 7:00 PM at the Municipal Building with Mayor, John Schlumbohm, presiding.

Members Present: Painter, Vance, Fricke, Hall, Stall, Blank
Members Absent: None

