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Regional news

Sweet senior center fundraiser

On Monday mornings in November, the kitchen at the non-profit Bluffton Senior Citizens Center, 132 N Main St., is turned into a candy factory. Dozens of volunteers are enlisted to make hundreds of pounds of peanut brittle, to stock the center’s largest single fundraiser. It’s hot, hard work, but the conversation and energy level are lively.


Get ready for store front garlands

The Bluffton Fire Department will hang lighted garlands on downtown Bluffton store fronts on Wednesday, November 10. Businesses should have garlands placed outside by 5:00 p.m that day.

Light pole garlands will be completed on Saturday, November 13.


PTO pie fundraiser orders Nov. 1-12

The Bluffton Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is holding a Thanksgiving pie fundraiser in partnership with The Dough Hook Meat Market, 117 N Main St. Orders will be taken from November 1-12 for eight pie selections: Apple, Cherry, Chocolate Cream, Mixed Berry, Peach, Peanut Butter Cream, Pumpkin, and Rhubarb.

Orders will only be taken online:


Weather through Oct. 25

A steady string of “heating degree days” began in the greater Bluffton area on Oct. 16. Are your gloves and windshield scrapers handy?


Senior Center November Shopping Hours, Bingo

The Bluffton Senior Center, 132 N Main St, will have Saturday hours from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in November and in December until Christmas to provide extra shopping hours for crafts made at the center.

The Senior Center will be closed Thanksgiving Day and Friday, Nov 26.


Peanut brittle

By Tonya Meyer, Bluffton Senior Center

Peanut Brittle making will start Monday, November 1 at 8 a.m. and continue every Monday thru November 22. We need at least 30 volunteers to make the candy and some of our volunteers from two years ago are no longer able to help.

We are looking for NEW PEOPLE to come and help. Please let Tonya or Roger Edwards know if you are able to help even if only for one week. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year. We missed it last year. We hope to make up for it this year.

