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Winter weather refresher

It wasn’t much, but it was white and frozen. The first snow of the season fell on Sunday, November 14, briefly accumulating in the Bluffton area. The Icon offers the following refresher on preparing for winter.

Conditions and alerts


JAMPD photo contest entries online and at ArtSpace Lima

Entries in the Johnny Appleseed Metropolitan Park District 2021 Nature Photography Contest--including Bluffton scenes and photographers--can now be viewed on Flickr.  A record 305 photos were entered in the contest.


November chamber meeting: Pathway donations, BCE Annual Report

The November 12 meeting of the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce at town hall was emceed by board member Derek Dukes of Southgate Lanes and sponsored by the Bluffton Center for Entrepreneurs.

Dukes announced that posters for the November 27 Blaze of Lights will be distributed in the next few days. New in 2021, the chamber’s annual residential holiday lighting contest will have two divisions with three Bluffton Bucks prizes for each division--northwest and southeast of Main St. It was also noted that the chamber is still taking applications for its part-time CEO position.


Random selection for County Health Assessment survey 

The Allen County Community Health Assessment Committee has begun its survey of Allen County residents as part of a community health assessment process. The Allen County Community Health Assessment Committee is working closely with the Hospital Council of Northwest Ohio and researchers at the University of Toledo to conduct the survey. 

Over the next two months, 2,000 Allen County residents will be randomly selected to participate in a survey of adults ages 19-years and older. Residents of Allen County who are randomly selected are urged to complete and return the survey.


Veterans' Day programs in Bluffton

On November 11, 2021, Bluffton veterans visited the Bluffton schools to provide several Veterans’ Day programs. High schoolers, 4th grade students and kindergarteners learned about the service of local veterans, the history of Veterans’ Day and honoring the American flag.


Early November, all October local weather report

From Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer

Watch the heating degree days climb in our early November, all of October 2021 local weather report.

