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So far we've dodged the flooding bullet


Suddenly it's winter again. The warm temperatures that melted all the snow last week melted again themselves. On Saturday evening snow started falling. Water on the Riley has receded from Saturday's high marks. As viewers go out today check where the snow stops along the creek bank to observe the highest flood level.



90 percent of hospital drywall hung in operation rooms

Lots of construction work is planned next week at Bluffton Hospital. Here's a report:

Last week we were able to get the first layer of wood on the canopy so that field measuring can now take place for the exterior finish material this week. The underside of the canopy saw great strides toward completion with the fire sprinkler and metal studding in the finishing stage.


Bluffton is ready: 800 more sandbags created

FRIDAY 1 P.M. UPDATE: Three hundred additional sand bags are being created as this story is being posted. With the estimated 500 bags made on Thursday and today's 300 bags, in all 1,800 sandbags have been made since Fe. 27.

Most of the bags are already distributed and in place. Now comes the difficult part: waiting out the weather.

THURSDAY 10:30 P.M. UPDATE: Volunteers are needed at 10 a.m. on Friday morning at the EMS garage at the corner of Washington and Thurman streets, according to Rick Skillier, Bluffton police chief.


March school menus posted

What's for lunch in March? The Bluffton school menus are now available. Click below for the appropriate menu.

To view middle and elementary March menu click here.

To view the high school March menu click here.


Rose and Ed?

This plate could be a combination of "Rose" and "Ed." Or, we could be way off and it may be something completely different. The Icon spotted this plate on Cherry Street.


A little off the top please: a barber returns to the lower level of Main and Vine

Craig Stone will open Stoney's Barbershop in mid-March

Watch for a barber pole to return to 125 N. Main Street - lower level, if you please.

Richard Boehr, owner of the building, informed The Icon this week that by mid-March Craig Stone will open Stoney's Barbershop in the storefront of the former Jerry's Barbershop.

Stone, who is currently renovating the barber shop says he intends to be open for business on Wednesday, March 16. He is a 2006 Upper Scioto Valley High School graduate and in January 2010 graduated from the Ohio College of Barber Styling, Columbus.

