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25.1 inches of snow fell in first 6 weeks of 2011

In the first six weeks of 2011 the Bluffton-Pandora area has experienced 25.1 inches of snowfall. According to Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer, 16 inches of snow fell in January. Add to that 9.1 inches recorded in the first seven days of February.

Here's the weather summary for the first seven days of February, from Verhoff:

Date Max temp. Min temp. Rain Snow


Plenty of free "keeping active" programs offered this month at BFR

Free Keeping Active Programs Continue at BFR this week, according to Carole Enneking, BFR director.

The community is welcome to participate in free activities at BFR Sports and Fitness for this week and the next two weeks.

"On Feb.10, a Walking Challenge is planned for all building hours. Stop by and walk and help us to log in more than 100 miles," she said.

If walking on Thursday is not enough, stop by on Friday, Feb. 11, Sunday Feb. 13, Tuesday, Feb. 15 and Friday, Feb. 18 for free walking, as well.


45 residents walk in BFR's National Go Red for Women Walk

Forty-five community members participated in the National Go Red for Women Walk at BFR on Feb. 4, according to Carole Enneking, director.

The Go Red day is sponsored by the American Heart Association as a way to spread awareness of Heart Disease as the number one killer of women in America.

"BFR walkers included young children with their mothers (following the Tiny Tots class), as well as men and women of all ages. Participants who wore red on the day received a lanyard as a prize," said Enneking.


Congressman Jim Jordan to address the Bluffton/Pandora Rotary Club Feb. 24

Rep. Jim Jordan

Fourth District Congressman Jim Jordan will address the Bluffton/Pandora Rotary Club at 7:30 a.m., Thursday, Feb. 24, in the third floor of the town hall.

The public is invited to attend and breakfast will be provided without charge.

Reservations are required so that proper breakfast plans may be made.. To RSVP e-mail Eric Fulcomer at [email protected] or call 419-358-3248 by Monday, Feb. 21, 2011.


Relay for Life newsletter available to Icon viewers

Bluffton's Relay for Life (June 24-25) has several activities planned this winter and spring. To view the current Relay newsletter open the attachment at the bottom of this story.

To register a team on-line for the Bluffton Relay go


Public library board anticipates more cuts in funding

Bluffton Public Library is currently operating with $64,000 less in state funding as compared to 2008, according to Cindi Chasse, library director.

The staff and administration identified a wealth of savings that allowed them to sustain services and hours during a very challenging year, but the threat of additional state funding cuts may make that even more difficult during 2011. The Ohio Library Council has recommended that libraries plan for an additional funding reduction of 15 percent.

