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Dec. 8-14 weather report

Weather report Dec. 8-14

Date Max. temp Min. temp Prec.

Dec. 8 35 21 0.26

Dec. 9 49 18 0.16

Dec. 10 18 11

Dec. 11 31 14 trace

Dec. 12 41 18

Dec. 13 40 35 0.31


Citizens National Bank offers new bill payment system

Citizens National Bank has announced that a bill payment product, provided through CheckFree, a leader in the bill payment industry, is available to all its online banking customers, according to Michael Romey, CNB president.

"The service will provide the time-saving benefit and convenience of paying all bills from one website. Additionally, several improvements will make tracking customer bill payments and finances even easier," he said.

CNB bill payment improvements include:


This guy was born in 1941

R 41 B

If we aren't mistaken R 41 B is on a pick up truck driven by Ron Badertscher, who was born in 1941.


Village Cut & Curl collecting items for food pantry

Village Cut & Curl is holding a food drive to assist the Bluffton Community Assistance program's food pantry, according to Lynda Best of the shop. Persons may drop off donations at the Village Cut & Cut during shop hours at 212 Cherry St. Person unable to drop off donations may call the shop for items to be picked up at 419-358-7593.


The driver's initials?


GG PT. Could it be GG's PT cruiser? We see it on Main Street from time to time. Viewers thoughts are encouraged.


Streetscape businesses urged not to use rock salt or ice melt this winter

Owners of Main Street buildings in the streetscape area were issued some friendly advice from the village concerning care of their sidewalks this winter.

"With the winter weather upon us, I want to remind everyone about using rock salt or ice melt products on the new streetscape concrete," said Jamie Mehaffie, village administrator.

"Please do not use it!" he said. "We searched everywhere for a product that is safe to use on new concrete that is less than one year old. We couldn't find anything."

