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See this one in CNB parking lot

M 631

You'll see this plate on a dark red vehicle in the Citizens National Bank parking lot. It's Mona Reichenbach's and her plate is her 630 S. Main St., residence.


Yokas tells chamber: "DTR has rehired all laid off associates"

Bill Yokas, senior vice president for manufacturing, DTR Industries, provided an update to Bluffton chamber members on DTR during the Nov. 13 chamber breakfast in the town hall.

He told chamber members that all associates laid off eariler this year have returned to work (except for temp workers).

"There are no sacred cows as we have looked at ways to reduce costs at DTR," he said. He told the chamber audience that DTR will beome an all-AV plant, as the rubber hose products will transfer to China.




7 DNA is on a white Lexus. At the wheel is Ann Leader and sometimes Don. Okay, help us out, what's the specific meaning of the plate?


Who is WICKS 1?


Here's what we know about this plate. It's on a Dodge parked on Franklin Street between the Middle School and High School. Viewers, please help us on this on.


Garlands hung on Saturday a.m.

Members of the Bluffton Volunteer Fire Department will string Main Street garlands on Saturday morning, Nov. 14, according to Dan Bowden, fire chief.

Bowden said that if a rain date is needed, the garlands will be strung on Saturday, Nov. 21, instead.

Main Street businesses need to place their garlands in front of their business early Saturday morning on Nov. 14 so that the fire department has access to them.


It's on a white Mustang


The next white Mustang that passes you, check out the plate. It may be Charlyn. We photographed this plate while the vehicle was parked on Franklin Street between the high school and middle school. Anyone who might identify the driver, please make a comment.

