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Spotted in Ada

SCHURE is one we aren't familiar with. The Icon spotted this plate recently in Ada.


A trip to the cider press in the 1950s


Not much appears to have changed at the Suter Cider Press between Bluffton and Pandora. Here's a color slide taken by Paul Diller in the early 1950s.

Looks like a early 1950s-Ford, GMC truck, Chrysler (?), and perhaps a Studebaker in line for cider. Icon viewers may correct our automobile identifications.

(From the Jim Diller collection)

Bluffton musicians to perform junior recitals May 1

Two Bluffton University students from Findlay, will present their junior recitals jointly at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, May 1, in Yoder Recital Hall. Kitanya Murray will perform on alto saxophone and soprano saxophone, while Stephanie Patterson will give a piano and voice recital. The event is free and open to the public; a reception will follow in the lobby.

Murray, a student of Dr. Adam Schattschneider, professor of music, will present numbers by Alexander Glazounov, Benedetto Marcello, Domenico Cimarosa and Jascha Gurewich.

BVHS Service of Remembrance held at First Lutheran Church, Findlay May 15

The 10th annual BVHS Service of Remembrance will be held at the First Lutheran Church at 109 E. Lincoln St. in Findlay on Sunday, May 15 at 2 p.m.

The non-denominational memorial service will honor BVHS patients and residents who died in 2010. All are welcome to attend the service, which will be followed by a reception.


Bette's Polka Band at the Senior Center April 28

Bette's Polka Band will perform at the Bluffton Senior Citizens Center Thursday, April 28.

The dance is open to the public and will include snacks and a drawing. Bette is known for her polkas and square dances as well as fox trots and waltzes.

"The dance is from 6 to 9 p.m. with the doors opening at 5:30 p.m. Members of the Senior Center love to show newcomers how to dance and everyone is welcome. Tickets are $4 per person and are available at the door," said Tonya Meyer, director of the Center.


There goes the ribbon


Cellular Central/Verizon relocated from North Main to 142 E. Jefferson St., last week.

Assisting in a Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting are from left, Aphaphanh Nussbaum, Bob Neff, Sally Siferd and Tammy Whitlow of the chamber, with Cellular Central employees Andrew Reynolds, Andy Walles and Justin Riechley. Jamie Mehaffie of the chamber board is on the far right. Missing from the photo is Jim Grose, store manager.

