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Mennonite church leader challenges Bluffton students to hear the call

In her Martin Luther King Jr. Day address Addie Banks challenged the audience at Bluffton University to rethink the meaning of Rev. King's life through the lens of Christian faith.

"While King's life is often understood to be about social action for civil rights and peace witness, the core of his life and witness was really about a willingness to accept personal transformation in response to God's call," said Banks.

Organized vs. disorganized

By the age of 53, you would think I'd learned the fine art of organization. But maybe it has nothing to do with age. Probably it's genetic. Here's where I get to blame my parents for something -- my tendency toward disorganization. It's all their fault.

So here I am...married to Mr. Organization himself. I'd hoped that after 30 years of marriage, I'd have gained some of his skills through osmosis. Nope. Hasn't happened.


Joanne Niswander: Talk about it

By Joanne Niswander
As some of you know, my husband Dean passed away just after the first of the year. It wasn't unexpected. He had been in Mennonite Memorial Home for the past 15 months.

In addition to physical problems that kept him in a wheelchair, he had Alzheimer's disease. And that is what I want to talk about.


Bluffton's 2010 appropriations by the numbers

Bluffton's council recently approved its 2010 appropriations. A breakdown of where spending will occur this year follows:


1-21-10 Winter frost

1-21-10 Winter frost


Fickle Ohio winter weather. One day it's freezing, the next day is in the 40s, the next day it frosts. Here's Ohio on a day with the frost is on the trees. Sunny skies, however.

This plate has a ring to it


Greg Ring doesn't make it easy to take a photo of his license plates. He covers the plates with some sort of protective devise. It really causes a glare when you take a photo with a flash. Greg ought to know better. GMDE stands for Greg, Mary, Don and Ethan Ring.

