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Late mail causes problems for village utility department

The United States Postal Service's elimination of the Lima processing facility is causing problems with the Village of Bluffton.

Jamie Mehaffie, village administrator, told council on Nov. 22 that problems began when mail started going to Toledo instead of Lima for processing.

The specific problem centers on mail payments from customers paying online. Those payments, at no fault of the utility customers, are notoriously late from the online payment source. An automatic late fees kicks in against the utility customer on those late payments.


We can't wait

We can't wait

Almost ready! The bridge over Riley Creek at Spring Street is almost ready for vehicular traffic. After some blacktop and guard rails are posted, it's ready to go.

Lions chicken barbecue dinners 4-7 p.m. on Nov. 27

The Bluffton Lions Foundation Blaze of Lights Harlan's barbecue chicken dinner will be served at the Bluffton Elementary School, 102 S. Jackson St., from 4-7 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 27.

The price of each dinner is $7. Dinners may be eaten inside the school or persons may use the carry-out service lane by accessing the entrance to the drive through lane at the intersection of Jackson and Vine streets.

The carryout drive through lane will be marked by a series of red cones and illuminated signs.


Centennial parade

It doesn't seem like 50 years ago...but it it. Here's a view of the 1961 Bluffton Centennial parade. Click on the image to enlarge and you may even find yourself in this photo,

This one's a stumper

This one's a stumper. The Icon spotted this plate on South Lawn Avenue. Anyone with a clue to its meaning, please comment.


Texas Roadhouse gift card fundraiser begins at BFR

For the second yearin a row, BFR will sell gift cards for Texas Roadhouse Restaurants. This year, $15 and $25 value cards are on hand at the facility. In addition,pre-paid orders can be made at the building for $50 gift cards or for a large quantity of $15 and $25.

Pre-paid orders will be returned within aweek of the order. BFR, a non-profit organization, will receive 10% for each card sold.

Gift Cards can be purchased at BFR, 215 Snider Road, Bluffton between from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Saturday through the holiday season.

