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Roof on new emergency department at hospital nearing completion

The roof on the new emergency department at Bluffton Hospital is nearing completion. Several other projects at the worksite are underway this week. The list follows:


October MS students of the month

The October Students of the Month for Bluffton Middle School were recently announced. Click here for photos.

6th Grade:

Kristen Yost, daughter of Jason and Jennifer Yost, Bluffton.
Kristen is a member of the BMS Strings and band programs. She attends Stonbridge Church of God in Findlay and is in Dance at Cindy's Tap on Wood in Columbus Grove.


Bluffton Child Development Center raffle underway

There's still an opportunity to purchase tickets for the Bluffton Child Development Center Raffle. Tickets are $2 each or three for $5. Prizes includes two boys' bikes (20- and 26-inch); two girls' bikes (20- and 26-inch); four bike helmets, a Wilson NFS football and gift cards.

Tickets are on sale at Citizens National Bank or from any BCDC board member. The drawing will take place Dec. 14.


Veterans visit Maple Crest Senior Living Village


Bob Amstutz of the Bluffton American Legion Post and a group of vets visited to Maple Crest on Veterans Day. The Legion members presented a program, gave some historical information and then presented each of the veterans of Maple Crest with a flag and a salute.


School board issues many supplemental contracts

Bluffton school board issues several supplemental contacts on Nov. 15. Those contracts include:


Now that feels like November

Now that feels like November! While the daily high temperature readings for the past seven days remain higher than normal, the lows are in the 30s. Here's the daily high, low and precipitation record for the past seven days, according to Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer.

Date High Low Prec.

