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Five year EMS call history shows slight decrease


Bluffton EMS calls have decreased very slightly according to a five-year report given to Bluffton council on Jan. 10 by Jan Basinger, EMS chief. Total EMS calls in 2006 were 483. In 2010 there were 422 calls.

The chart accompanying this story compares total calls, total patients transported, emergency transports, non-emergency transports, medical calls, MVA and fire calls from 2006 to 2010.


University volleyball team holds season-end recognition night

By Erin Oberly, sports information assistant

The Bluffton University women's volleyball team has mirrored the successes of their 2010 season with favorable results in the classroom for the 2010 Fall semester.

Maple Crest pie-baking contest held Feb. 11

Is pie baking something you enjoy? Do your family and friends beg for you to make pies? You may want to enter your favorite pie in the upcoming Maple Crest pie contest. The contest is held at Maple Crest.

The contest is Friday, Feb. 11. Judging begins at 4 p.m. There are three entry categories:


Baby, it's cold outside!

Baby, it's cold outside! If you don't believe The Icon, just ask Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer. Here's what his thermometer read for the past seven days.


Still time to join BFR's Longest Loser contest

BFR Sports & Fitness is hosting a weight loss challenge: The Longest Loser. The cost is $5 for BFR members and $10 for non-members, according to Carol Enneking of BFR.

"The goal of the challenge is to be the last person still losing weight. There will be weekly weigh ins, nutrition advice, and work out tips. In order to stay in the competition you must lose at least .1 of a pound each week at weigh in," she said.


Randy Garmatter wins Icon bowl contest

Randy Garmatter won The Bluffton Icon's holiday bowl football contest in a three-way playoff. Garmatter, Matt Amstuz and Rick Emmert were tied with 18 wins each at the conclusion of the regular contest.

To settle the tie, each were asked to pick winners of three additional bowl games.

Garmatter picked three correct
Amstutz picked two correct
Emmert picked one correct

