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First Mennonite switches to Sunday summer schedule

First Mennonite Church will switch to the Sunday summer schedule beginning June 6. Worship begins at 9:15 a.m. with Sunday school beginning at 10:45 a.m. This schedule will continue through Aug. 29.


Where the EMS went in May

Jan Basinger, Bluffton EMS chief, provided the EMS runs for May. They follow:


321 street address?

We spotted 321 W somewhere on Main Street. It's on a metalic green Pontiac with a Hancock plate. Could 321 be a street address?


May showers brought May flowers

Over 8 inches of rain graced Bluffton's lawns and gardens in May. Specifically 8.12 inches fell according to Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer. That compares to May's normal rainfall of 3.67 inches. Here's some addition weather facts for May: This year's May average daily temperature was 63.4 degrees. May's normal average temperature is 60.2 degrees.

This year's high temperature for May was 88 degrees on the 26th and 30th. The low was 32 degrees on May 10. Here are the highs, lows and precipitation information for the last week of May.


Icon video goes live

The Icon test drove its Flip video camera at the Bluffton Memorial Day Parade - see the video on our home page and on our YouTube channel. Unfortunately, the battery died midway through the parade due to previous video experiments. We'll be prepared next time!

Find Mister Snake

Riley Creek is home to many flora and fauna - including those of the reptilian variety. This tree stump is home to Mister Snake - see if you can find his face.
