An ice cream social is planned from 4 to 6 p.m., Sunday, July 20, at the Pandora United Methodist Church fellowship hall, 108 E. Washington St.
This event is hosted by Cub Scout Pack 3226 and Boy Scout Troop 226. The menu consists of your choice of sloppy joe, hot dog or chicken sandwich, plus cole slaw, baked beans, and/or chicken and noodles. Pies and ice cream will also be available.
Rockport United Methodist Church, 5505 Rockport Road, will hold its summer Vacation Bible School from Monday, July 28 to Friday, Aug. 1. VBS is from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the church and is for youth in grades 3 to 6.
This year’s theme is “Go Fish Backstage with the Bible.”
pdf graphic, other as attachment
In 1944, the Triplett Corp's softball team was the team to beat in northwestern Ohio. The team compiled a 16-1 record, losing only to a Tiffin team.
Some familiar last names on the team included: Burkholder, Swank, Eikenbary, Ream, Gratz, Deppler, Berkey, Geiger, Luginbuhl, Moser and Basinger. The members are identified in the photo.
For a complete summary of the season with read the attachment at the bottom of this story.