Former Bluffton resident, Lois Kreider, who wore many hats when she lived in Bluffton, was in town earlier this week.
She was a guest at the volunteer banquet for the Et Cetera Shop and also, with three of her daughters, met with several Bluffton aquaintances in the town hall for an afternoon of remembering.
Once upon a time, her Bluffton activities, apart from serving as First Lady of Bluffton College, during the presidency of her husband, Robert, included being a Girl Scout leader and the person behind the launch of the Et Cetera Shop.
It's April - today it may be raining and cold - and earlier this week is was warm and sunny. Here's our ideal view of April in Bluffton. It's a view of the lawn between Sauder Visual Arts Center and Marbeck Center.
It's a masquerade ball at The Centre on Saturday evening. This year's Bluffton High Schools's junior-senior prom will be held there and its theme is "Masquerade Ball."
The decorated Centre will be open for public to view at 7 p.m. The official prom takes place from 8 to 11 p.m. A post-prom is held at Ebenezer Mennonite Church.
No matter Saturday's weather, an eager crowd of prom watchers will be stationed at The Centre on North Main Street as students enter and are announced.
Campus pastors at Mennonite colleges and universities met at Bluffton University April 8-10 to share ideas about ministry on their respective campuses and to support each other in prayer.
They represented several North American Mennonite institutions, including Eastern Mennonite University, Bethel College, Goshen College, Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary and Conrad Grebel University College in Waterloo, Ontario.
Bluffton University presented its top athletics awards April 15 to all-conference performers in football and soccer.
Shawn Frost of Edison, Ohio, received the A.C. Burcky Award as senior male athlete of the year, while Aimee Whitmer of Grand Rapids, Ohio, won the Kathryn E. Little Award as outstanding senior female athlete. Both student-athletes have multiple majors—Frost in sport management, exercise science, and strength and conditioning, and Whitmer in psychology and social work.
Enduring hardships is made easier when we search for rainbows, Jane Thorley Roeschley suggested as a minister in residence at Bluffton University April 10.
Speaking at a campus chapel service, Roeschley, an associate pastor at the Mennonite Church of Normal, Ill., referenced the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. But another significant part of the story came before the resurrection, the Bluffton alumna said, noting that before Jesus performed the miracle, he gave thanks to God.