Peyton Gallant, Bluffton fourth grader, performs on the recorder in Alice Basinger's elementary music class. Payton is a student in Mrs. McCauley's classroom. The fourth graders are preparing to perform their recorders during the Bluffton Music Boosters chicken barbecue at the end of March.
Judith Samson, 68, of Placentia, Calif., passed away February 7, 2014.
Judy was born on August 12, 1945 in Pandora, Ohio to Warren and Idella (Gratz) Bridenbaugh. She graduated from Pandora-Gilboa Schools and Indiana Weslyan.
Judy was a teacher for the Ontario-Montclair school district for over 30 years. In retirement, she volunteered in the community and was an active church member. She is survived by her husband Keith, sons Geoffrey and Joshua, daughter in law Natalie, grandson Colin (all in California) and brothers Dale and Daryl Bridenbaugh (Pandora, Ohio).
Jessica Liska is currently student teaching 8th grade math and 7th grade language arts. She is the daughter of David and Susan Liska, 8433 Phillips Rd, Bluffton.
On the Ohio Northern University campus, Liska has been active in the Association for Supervision and Curriculum development, Kappa Delta Pi, Delta Zeta National sorority, Mortar Board, Alpha Lamb Delta and Phi Eta Sigma.
Women may better recognize and appreciate the “seasons of life” when Bluffton University’s Women’s Council hosts its annual conference on Saturday, April 5.
Dr. Lee Snyder, president emeritus of the university, and Bluffton alumnae will be among the presenters during the conference, titled “Women Enriching Women: Celebrating the Seasons of Life.” Hours are 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Centennial Hall—where the morning sessions will be held—and The Commons in Marbeck Center, the site for lunch and the afternoon session.
Bluffton’s next American Red Cross blood drive is from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Thursday, March 20, in the new gym at Bluffton High. All donors receive a t-shirt.
The Bluffton High School Junior Class will hold a pancake/sausage breakfast from 8 to 11 a.m., Saturday, March 8, at the Bluffton McDonald's.
The meal includes
• All you can eat pancakes
• Sausage patty
• Small drink
Tickets: $6.00 each
Tickets are $6 each and may be purchased at Bluffton High School, Ideal Images, or call
(419) 234-4178. All proceeds will go to the Bluffton 2014 Post Prom.