Bluffton's Junior Girl Scout troop is hosting an Earth Day celebration at Buckeye Park Saturday, April 27, from 2-4 p.m.
A bike decorating contest with cash prizes, a bike parade, and park cleanup and planting are planned. Admission fee is a donation of an item that will help homeless pets.
This project of Troop 20643 will help the girls fulfill the requirements of the Bronze Award, the highest award that can be earned by Junior Girl Scouts. The entire community is invited.
Julian Harnish is living in a pretty exciting week.
At this moment he is on his way to China with his family. The Bluffton family will be there until mid-June while Julian’s father, Stephen, is on a Bluffton University sabbatical.
That’s not the only exciting thing that happened to the BHS junior in the past five days. On April 20, he finished in second place in the high school piano division of the 2013 Young Artists’ Competition sponsored by the Friends of the (Lima) Symphony.
Bluffton Brownies Troop 20012 recently had an adventure in downtown Bluffton where they searched for symbols of the community, according to Wendy Chappell-Dick, leader.
Betty Main, Mennonite Memorial Home resident, has some fun with in a MMH exercise class. Using a parachute, residents lifted up and down, while three balls were also lifted in the air. Watch the video.
Bluffton University recognized many of its top students for their academic achievements at the annual Academic Awards and Honors Forum on April 23.
Introduced as distinguished scholars in their respective academic areas were 31 seniors. In addition, Thomas Gingrich, a football player from Goshen, Ind., and Maryam Teka of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, were honored for having the highest scholastic records among senior athletes and international students, respectively.