All Bluffton Icon News

Bluffton Police Department
Public Docket
March 3

-Police assisted the Highway Patrol with a vehicle pursuit that was SB on I-75.  

March 4
-Police responded to a Breaking and Entering complaint at a Thurman St. residence.

March 5
-A S. Main St. resident reported that her live in boyfriend was making threats toward her and had assaulted her in the past.  

Just when you thought the "old" ways of learning were tossed out the door we invite Icon readers to discover what Bluffton High School art students are "rediscovering:" the wet photo darkroom.

Vickie Garmon, BHS art teacher, provided The Icon with this story written by BHS student Nathan Hursh. He writes:

Bluffton Center for Entrepreneurs recognizes April as Encore Entrepreneur Mentor Month. Here's some information about the month:

Tuesday, April 30,  from 8:30 a.m. to noon, Small Business Administration's Columbus District Office, AARP and the Newark SCORE Chapter will host a free workshop in honor of National Encore Entrepreneur Mentor Month. 

The event is targeted to entrepreneurs ages 50+ and will include presentations on using social media as a business tool and an overview of how to start a business as well as a panel of successful Encore Entrepreneurs.

A little play on words and suddenly the statement on the St. John's United Church of Christ announcement board is profound.

The April 16 Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce newsletter is now available for Icon viewers. It is an attachment at the bottom of this story.

The owner of Bluffton’s newest business has big plans for thinking small.

Andy Chapell-Dick of Bluffton, a general and remodeling contractor, has started Small House Bluffton, a business whose focus is constructing small, fully-functional houses.

“A lot of people want to go small, not just empty nesters, but people who for a practical basis see the cost of living going up,” Chappell-Dick says, in explaining his new venture.

“Bluffton is a unique community. I’m providing something the community hasn’t seen. It’s different housing option,” he said.
