Beginning Monday, June 4, readers of all ages will explore the night this summer as Bluffton Public Library presents the "Dream Big - Read!" and "Own the Night" summer reading programs. Activities include programs on relaxation, wishes, nocturnal animals, ghosts and fairy tales.
The 2012 summer reading program is open to everyone from babies to adults with programs, prize drawings, storytimes and more. Those participating in the program will receive reading goals to accomplish in order to obtain prizes and/or prize ticket entries.
Thirteen of the 14 proposed Ohio High School Athletic Association Constitution and Bylaw revisions passed as voted upon by OHSAA member schools, Commissioner Daniel B. Ross, Ph.D., has announced.
Changes were approved to three Constitution items and 10 Bylaw items.
The bylaw issue that did not pass for the second consecutive year was a proposal to change how schools are assigned to tournament divisions in the team sports of football, soccer, volleyball, basketball, baseball and softball to address competitive balance.
Spring's warming temperatures have been known to inspire bouts of cleaning. Taming the growing pile of household paperwork is one potential task, but what documents should be kept, and which can be thrown away? The Internal Revenue Service offers some timely advice for those bitten by the spring cleaning bug.
Before there was a Dixie Highway...before there was a Lincoln Highway...before there was a State RoutE 235...railroads were the way to travel.
Here's a 1902 photograph of neighboring Ada's Pennsylvania Railroad depot. The line connected New York City and Chicago with very fast service. Depending upon your point of view, not much or, quite a bit has change in 110 years.
You never heard this one...these two guys walk into an outdoor arts and crafts show.
Actually, the very day before the Bluffton arts and crafts show, the director of the chamber gets a frantic e-mail. It's from a crafter who says that she's never received confirmation of her registration in the "Bluffton" arts and crafts show.
The chamber director looks through all the registrations and can't find the person's information. He calls the crafts show director. Same thing. No information.
Several Bluffton residents, like these two, walking around the Buckeye, participated in Ohio's One Mile Fitness Walk on May 16. BFR sponsored the event in Bluffton, which was part of Healthy Ohio. The statewide program goal is 100,000 miles of walking.