All Bluffton Icon News

The Ohio Northern University Department of Communication and Theatre Arts presents Thoroughly Modern Millie at The Freed Center.

The production will run Thursday, April 19 through Saturday, April 21 at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, April 21 and Sunday, April 22 at 2 p.m..

Ticket prices are: adults $15; seniors $12; non-ONU students $12; children $9. Tickets may be purchased by calling the Freed Center Box Office at 419-772-1900 or on our website at

Bluffton Public Library will be hosting two exciting new programs for preschool children and their families this spring.

First, it's fun for the whole family during "Family Storytime." This program includes stories, songs, finger plays and other fun activities designed for children from birth to age 5, but older siblings are also welcome.

Ten Thousand Villages, 115 S. Main St., has blue vines canisters handcrafted in Vietnam, according to Aphaphanh Nussbaum, manager.

The canisters may be used to store sundries. Prices ranged from $34 to $44 and $54.

Village Cut & Curl is now offering spring specials, accoridng to Lynda Best.

"Get a free hair cut with a highlight, starting at $50. Also, we are now booking for prom updo's $25 and up," she said.

Call 419-358-7593 for an appointment. Village Cut & Curl is at 212 Cherry St., Bluffton.

Students from Ohio Northern University's T.J. Smull College of Engineering have created a team of robotic football players to compete in the fourth annual University of Notre Dame robotic football competition on Friday, April 20, at 7 p.m. in Notre Dame's Stepan Center.

Mount Cory and Pleasant View United Methodist Churches will hold a dinner and concert Sunday, April 29, according to Rev. Jerry Lewis, pastor.

Dinner will be served from 5 to 6:15 p.m. In includes chicken and homemade noodles, salad, dessert and beverage for a donation. Carry-out is available.

A concert at 6:30 p.m. features Kevin Mabry from the Marysville United Methodist Church. A free-will offering will be received at the concernt.

The event will be held at the Bethel Family Life Center, 210 W. Washington St., Mount Cory.
