Several special musical presentations are planned during Sunday worship services in April at the Bluffton Presbyterian Church.
On April 1 Julia Szabo, mezzo-soprano, will sing Faure's "The Palms" as the prelude/processional for the Palm Sunday service.
The choir will sing "Of Palms and Praise" by Furman/Drennan with a violin obligato played by Emily Sycks. At the same service, Linda Sycks, oboe and Jeremy Szabo, oboe d'amore, will play a duet from Bach's Cantata No. 94.
Krysti's Music Studio duet recitals are this weekend and next weekend, according to Krysti Schey, studio owner.
The recitals are Sunday, April 1, and Saturday, April 7. Both recitals are at 2:30 p.m. at Rockport United Methodist Church in Rockport. The church is located at 5505 Rockport Road. In addition to duets, there will be several trios performing.
More than 200 years ago, when smallpox killed about 30 percent of its victims and left most others scarred for life, Dr. Edward Jenner's pioneering use of less virulent cowpox as a vaccine excited scientists and politicians.
The public, however, was less enthused, says Dr. Ross Kauffman, assistant professor of public health at Bluffton University. "You shouldn't be forcing us to do this," a fearful populace argued, according to Kauffman. "Don't tell us what to do."
BLUFFTON, Ohio - In a 13-9 slugfest, the Bluffton Beaver baseball team came out on top over the Denison Big Red on Tuesday, March 27. The come from behind victory improves Bluffton's season record to 8-10 (1-2 HCAC) while Denison fell to 5-13.