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Hazel Marie Austin, 93, of Bluffton died at 9:05 a.m., March 25, 2012 at the Mennonite Memorial Home, Bluffton. She was born March 1, 1919, near Lafayette, to John Henry and Marie Howe Klingler. In 1945 she married Robert Austin and he preceded her in death in 1998.Mrs. Austin retired from the Chrysler Jeep Corp., Toledo. She attended Ebenezer Mennonite Church, Bluffton.

Peter and Jenna Liechty Martin in Belfast

Note: Peter Martin is a 2006 Bluffton graduate with a BA degree in Business Administration. Jenna Liechty Martin is a 2007 Bluffton graduate with a BA in Business Administration. This story appeared in the February 2012 edition of Beyond Ourselves, a publication of Mennonite Mission Network.

Taking a break in the Chicago urban garden they helped prepare for planting season are Bluffton University students (top, from left) Abbey Graber, Jodi Stutzman and Abbie Richer, along with (bottom, from left) Derek Davis and Tobin Eicher.

Thirty Bluffton University students spent their recent spring break in Chicago, but they weren't in the Windy City to see its tourist attractions.

From March 4-9, the students-from the campus group SERVE-divided into small groups and worked in inner-city neighborhoods at soup kitchens, churches, nursing homes, outreach centers and a children's after-school program, among other locations.

The Bluffton Exempted Village School District is currently accepting applications from students interested in attending the school district through open enrollment for the 2012 -2013 school year, according to Greg Denecker, Bluffton superintendent.

Students from any school district in Ohio may apply and enroll in Bluffton Schools tuition free. Students are admitted on a full-time basis only.

Applications are approved annually on a first come, first served basis and approval is subject to grade level enrollment and educational programs.

Ten Thousand Villages, 115 S. Main St., Bluffton is holding a "25 percent off" jewelry sale, plus select scarves and bags. According to Aphaphanh Nussbaum, store manager, the sale continue through April 9.

Janeen Bertsche Johnson

Grace Mennonite Church in Pandora will hold its annual Holy Week Services on Sunday and Monday, April 1-2, according to Dennis Schmidt, pastor.

The speaker this year is Janeen Bertsche Johnson, campus pastor at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary, Elkhart, Ind. She will preach using the series "Seeking the Mind of Christ." It explores Philippians 2:5-11 and what it means to "let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus."
