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The Bluffton Senior Citizens Center will offer western square dances on Monday, March 26, and Monday, April 23.

Dances will start at 6:30 p.m. for persons who need instructions. Then, from 7 to 9 p.m. dancing will take place.

A professional caller will be leading the evening. The cost is $2 for Senior Center members and $3 for non-members.

According to Larry Armstrong, "You will get good exercise and meet new people. Everyone is welcome to join the fun and stay tuned for more dances in the future."

Maple Crest crochet-knit circle

Bluffton's Maple Crest Senior Living Community's crochet-knit circle handed over some of their creations to a good cause earlier this month.

On March 2 members of the group handed 13 crocheted and knitted baby blankets to Project Linus representative Jane Ebersole, coordinator of the Project Linus Findlay Chapter.

Volunteer Kimberly Hansen handed over to Ebersole, as Hansen has been the leader of the Maple Crest crochet-knit circle, working hands-on with Maple Crest residents Annie Balmer, Betty Engle and Mary Huffer on these blankets and other projects.

Scene from last year's egg hunt

The Easter Bunny is coming to Bluffton. The Mennonite Memorial Home and Jerry Lewis' McDonald's host their annual Easter egg hunt at 10 a.m. sharp, Saturday, March 31, at the Mennonite Memorial Home, 410 W. Elm St., Bluffton.

Children ages 8 and under are invited to come, hunt for hidden eggs, register for prizes, gift baskets and have their parents taken their pictures with the Easter Bunny.

Doughnuts are donated by Community Markets and hot beverages will be provided.

Bluffton University's annual Bach Festival will include Bach's Lunch on Friday, March 16, and the Bach Festival Concert on Sunday, March 18. Both events are free and open to the public; a free-will offering will be taken during the concert's intermission to help defray expenses.

The concert will open at 2:30 p.m. in Yoder Recital Hall with the third annual Mosiman Young Artist Competition.

On Wednesday afternoon you could still smell the smoke from the Lincoln Highway. The day before, neighboring community, Ada, lost one of its structural gems to fire - its First United Methodist Church, at the north end of Ada's Main Street business district.

The cause of the blaze remains under investigation. Children from a Head Start day care center, housed in the church, escaped without injury.

Main Street, Ada, which is also State Route 235, is closed within a block of the church and traffic is rerouted around Ada.
