All Bluffton Icon News

Bluffton Baptist Church will hold its spring revival Monday through Wednesday, March 25-28, according to John McMinn, pastor.

Pastor Jonathon Reichman of Riverside Baptist Church, Tulsa, Okla., is the speaker. He holds a master's of arts in religious education from Southwest Baptist Theological Seminary. Jason McDonald of Columbus, is the music and worship leader.

Services are Sunday at 10:45 a.m. and Monday through Wednesday at 7 p.m.

Services are open to the public. The church is located at 345 County Line Road, Bluffton.

Kyla Dawson and Carissa Luginbill with their art

After the first round judging for the Ohio Governor's High School Art Show Bluffton High School had seven pieces selected to go down to Columbus for state judging according to Vicki Garmon, BHS art teacher.

The state judging was this last weekend and there was approximately 3,000 pieces of art that were selected at an earlier judging to be there, but only 300 pieces were selected to get in the Govenor's show, Garmon told The Icon.

Bluffton Public Library is hosting two exciting teen programs to celebrate the release of the new film "The Hunger Games," based on Suzanne Collin's best-selling trilogy.

First, the library's lower level will be transformed into the "Capitol Day Spa" on Tuesday, March 20, at 3:30 p.m., where teens can get pampered by local make-up and nail artists.

Returning the serve

Justin Paul, Bluffton High School tennis player, answers a serve on the Howe Tennis Courts. Spring sport practice is underway as the Pirate boys' tennis, baseball, softball and track teams prepare for their respective seasons.

The famed St. John's Players will present the suspenseful drama "Pasta, Passion and Pistols," at 4 p.m., Sunday, March 18, in Oppermann Hall at the St. John's United Church of Christ.

Members of the SHANNON Service Club will serve an Italian dinner. A free-will offering will be taken. Persons interested in tickets or reservations may contact the church office at 419-358-5641. Reservations are helpful so the chefs know how many meals to prepare.

The cost of cemetery lots at Maple Grove officially increased Monday, but the cost to be buried there remained the same. Confused?

Bluffton council passed by emergency an ordinance "increasing" the price for burial lots at $500 each. Here's the kicker: The price on Monday's ordinance became effective July 1, 2004.

Turns out that the $500 price tag has been charged since 2004 and no one realized it. The official ordinance on the books until Monday listed a lower price.
