All Bluffton Icon News

Madlyn V. Marquart Kimmel

Madlyn V. Marquart Kimmel, 89, of Bluffton died at 7:04 a.m. March 10, 2012, at Richland Manor, Bluffton.

She was born in Lima Jan. 21, 1923, the daughter of Faye and Ilo Isham. On Nov. 1, 1942 she married Francis Marquart and he preceded her in death on June 15, 1988. On June 15, 1991 she married Joel Kimmel and he survives in Bluffton.

Note: Our Bluffton High School classmate, Rick Emmert, provides updates from time to time about his experiences in Japan, where he lives.

The following is an e-mail update that we think Icon viewers who know Rick will appreciate. For more details, click on the links.

Dear Family and Friends,

Bluffton's council packet and agenda for Monday's meeting are now on The Icon. One point of business is that Jamie Mehaffie, village administrator, says that the village has received notification from the Ohio Public Works Commission that its request for financial assistance has been approved for several water main replacement projects.

In other action, council will consider increasing the prices of cemetery lots at Maple Grove Cemetery.

Chamber discussion

Mitch Kingsley (center) talks with Laura Voth and Doug Luginbill following Friday's chamber breakfast. Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio presented the program and was the breakfast sponsor.
