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Just a comment about cleaning the Little Riley Creek or any other flood control measures. Water has no problem getting into town or through town. The problem is getting water out of town. The bridge on Bentley Road north of town is not capable of allowing water out of town.

The bridge was not constructed properly to let a 50-year flood out of town much less a 100-year flood.

If you notice, water has to go north of the bridge to cross the Bentley. I was told by the regional planning commissioner water should go over the bridge.

Main Street casualty

The first significant casualty of the narrower turning lanes on Main Street resulted in a banged-up pole at the corner of Elm and Main late this week. The pedestrian crossings now encroach the lanes, causing drivers to sometimes driver over the curbs while making turns.

By Joanne Niswander

I've just come back from my first real walk of the spring - with no coat, only a light sweater (and that was a little much). All of you Ohioans who have spent the winter inside, walking the treadmill or the indoor track, know how refreshing it is to be able to step outside with no coat and breathe in something other than cold air and snowflakes.

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You don't have to be older than 60 to appreciate this photo, but you do need to be that old to say you attended school in the building.

The stately Bluffton Victorian school, located on the site of the current elementary, was razed in 1954 to make way for the new building.

We welcome comments from viewers who attended classes in the building.

Photo from a colorized postcard owned by Fred Steiner

Danielle Rhonemus

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Danielle Rhonemus, 16, a junior, is the Bluffton High School February student of the month.

She is a member of the Concert Choir, Concert Band, Jazz Band, Pep Band, Drama Club, Art Club, Latin Club, Math Club, Chess Club, Student Senate, Junior class secretary and the National Honor Society.

She is the BHS band field commander, is an S.O.S. tutor, and is a member of the District III honors choir. She is active in the Bluffton Presbyterian Church.

Bike One

The driver claims she's not a Harley fan, but the license plate says she is. We spotted this plate on North Main Street.
