You are about to be counted. The 2010 United States Census will take place this winter. Here are some Qs and As about the census. Persons with specific questions may call Nancy Benroth at the Bluffton town hall, 419-358-2066, extension 102.
Q. Who should be counted in the Census?
A. Everyone in the United States. This includes people of all ages, races, ethnic groups, citizens and non-citizens.
Q. How long does it take to complete?
A. About 10 minutes.
Note: Jim and Jodi Mohney, Midwest directors of Living Water International, will speak at English Lutheran Church at 7 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 21.
They will show a video and discuss the world-wide need for clean water. They will also explain the efforts of Living Water International with pump repair, drilling wells and hygiene in many Third World countries and especially Haiti.
Frieda and Jim Basinger, who were members of the Bluffton High School class of 1936 and Bluffton University class of 1940 left $1 million to be shared by Bluffton University and Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio. The announcement was made Feb. 10. A story on this page explains the donation in greater detail.
First Mennonite Church, Bluffton, has cancelled this week's (Wednesday, Feb. 10) First Night activities, according to the church office. The First Night is a Wednesday evening dinner with a program, which follows.
Bluffton council learned on Feb. 8 that the village and school representatives have met with Eric Pfenning of Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) to discuss the school zone flashers and the College-Main intersection.
Jamie Mehaffie, village administrator, told council that he and Rick Skilliter, police chief, and Greg Denecker, school superintendent met with ODOT.
Bluffton officials asked ODOT to have school zone flashers activated from 7:30 a.m. until 4 p.m. The flashers are property of ODOT and under their control.