We can't translate the initials, but we do know this plate belongs to a proud Eagle Boy Scout from Hancock County. The plate was spotted in the Bluffton University parking lot.
Jim and Jodi Mohney, Midwest directors of Living Water International, will speak at English Lutheran Church at 7 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 21.
They will show a video and discuss the world-wide need for clean water. They will also explain the efforts of Living Water International with pump repair, drilling wells and hygiene in many Third World countries and especially Haiti.
Where does all that snow go? In Bluffton much of it is dumped on the village-owned property in front of the Bluffton Community Swimming Pool. If Mount Cory is up the road and Mount Blanchard is to the east, then you must be gazing upon Mount Bluffton. To view all the Icon's feature photos click here.
As a young mom with two young children, Jami Crawfis has found Mom to Mom sales to be a wonderful resource for children's clothing and toys. So when the Lima YWCA closed its doors, eliminating its Mom to Mom sale, Crawfis begin to think about organizing a local sale.
"I could always find good deals for a good price and when the YW closed, I was disappointed and thought to myself, 'why couldn't we have one in Bluffton? So here we are," said Crawfis.
Some days it feels like you are always behind the tractor. Yesterday was one of those days. This tractor is plowing out Campus View following the heavy snows. To check out all the Icon feature photos of this winter, click here.