1-25-10 135 years of university experience

1-25-10 135 years of university experience


Five of the Bluffton University faculty and staff honored at the Jan. 24 university recognition dinner chat following the dinner. Front, from left, are Sue Hardwick, Tim Pannabecker and Rick Lichtle. Behind them stand Mark Bourassa and Willis Sommer.

Hardwick was honored in her 45th year at the university, a longevity record topped only by H.W. Berky and A.C. Burcky. Lichtle was honored in his 35th year at Bluffton. Pannabecker, the youngster in the group, was recognized in his fifth year on the staff. Bourassa was honored for 20 years of service and Sommer for 35 years. Faculty and staff reaching five, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 45 years of service were recognized. Thirty-nine persons were honored.

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Monday, March 10, 2025