BFR offers a day at the Mudhens on July 29

Gather a group (parents, children, grandparents, neighbors and friends) for a trip to a Toledo Mudhens game on Sunday, July 29. The game is against the Louisville Bats.

This daylong trip package includes a seat on a Buckeye Charter bus, a ticket to the game, plus after the game kids will get the chance to run the bases, and everyone will enjoy a 20-minute display of fireworks.

Only 54 seats are available on the bus, so sign-up quickly at the BFR. Payment required with registration to guarantee spot. One participant will win a chance to throw out the first pitch.

A bus will leave BFR at 3:30 p.m. and an estimated return is set for 11 p.m. The game starts at 6 p.m. Cost is $30 per person, $20 for children under 2.

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