Explore your Swiss heritage during Sunday's Swiss Day events

All are welcome to the annual Swiss Day potluck and open house, Sunday, June 24.

The potluck, at Ebenezer Mennonite Church, 8905 Grove Road, at 12:30-3 p.m., features a musical program by Wilmer Sprunger and friends of Berne Ind., with an opening by the Bluffton-Pandora Swiss Chorus.

Bring a dish, already hot or cold and ready to serve, and your own table service (plates and silverware). Drinks will be provided.

From about 3 - 5:30 p.m., immediately following a brief annual business meeting at Ebenezer, an open house will be held at the Schumacher Historical Homestead at 8350 Bixel Road, between Bluffton and Pandora.

The Schumacher Farmstead, a restored Swiss Mennonite farm of the mid-1800s, includes a two-story farm house, bank barn, summer kitchen, historical garden and workshop. Light refreshments will be served.

All are invited to either or both of these events hosted by the Swiss Community Historical Society.

Click for the Society's website.

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