Math workshops aimed at middle, high school teachers

Bluffton University will offer two mathematics workshops Aug. 7-9 for middle and high school math teachers and intervention specialists.
July 30 is the registration deadline for both "Become a Master Teacher in Middle School Ratio and Proportional Thinking," taught by Marilyn Link, a retired teacher from Coldwater, Ohio, and "205 Things That Every High School Mathematics Teacher Should Know." That course will be taught by Duane Bollenbacher, a 30-year high school teacher and now an adjunct faculty member at Bluffton.

Workshop hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily. Each may be taken for 22.5 contact hours of Local Professional Development Committee credit, at a cost of $125, or, on a pass/fail basis, for one semester hour of graduate workshop credit, for $275. Lunches are included; other meals and housing are available.
For more information, contact Bollenbacher at 419-358-3296 (work), 419-358-7365 (home) or at [email protected].