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BFR Sports and Fitness begins fall programs

Fall programming is beginning the week of Sept. 3 at BFR Sports and Fitness, according to Carole Enneking, BFR director.
Adult Fitness Classes will return to the fall schedule with morning, evening and weekend options. Sue Sheehan returns to teaching, after a summer off, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings (8:30-9:30 am). Sue offers All Star Workouts on Monday and Wednesdays and YogaFit on Fridays.
The Low Impact Aerobics (Mondays at 10 am) and Strength & Flexibility (Thursdays at 10 am) are options for older adults. Jessica Ladd is leading the Thursday group and using a mixture of strength training (with elastic bands and light dumbbells), cardio, and lots of stretching.
Cardio Sculpt will return on Thursday, Sept. 6 at 6 pm. Cardio Sculpt will have a new instructor this year, Kelly Martz. Martz is a certified personal trainer who offers a blend of cardio movements with strength training using Stability Balls, body resistance and dumbbells. The Tuesday evening class will feature a mixture of instructors as BFR prepares for the addition of a dance aerobic class in October.
Water exercise classes continue at the Maple Crest Indoor Pool. Two different levels of water classes are offered; while the intensity differs between them, each class includes cardio, strength and balance training, and stretching.
New class members are welcome at anytime with no fee required for the first class. Classes do not require registration and an Any Class Card may be used for attend any BFR fitness program.
For more fitness class information, visit the BFR website
