25 chamber member businesses introduce their products and services in university showcase

Lynda Best, Nicole Lo Bianco and Joan Frederick share information about their respective businesses with Bluffton University students on Sept. 27.

Best, of Village Cut 'n' Curl, and Lo Bianco and Frederick of Polished Nail and Body Salon, were among 25 Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce members participating in this year's Bluffton business showcase at Marbeck. The event enables businesses to introduce themselves to university students. The annual fall event is very popular among students and businesses.

Many of the businesses gave away "freebies" and door prizes. Several hundred university students visited business displays during the lunch hour at Marbeck.

Among student door prize winners were:

• Meghan Hirn won one Extra Value Meal a month for one year from McDonald's
• Zach Kempf won a Town and Country Flower gift basket
• Chase Walters and Todd Stover won large inflatable balls from Community Market

Winners of $25 gift certificates given away by the chamber were:

• Angie Johnson won $25 from The Food Store
• Justin McCall won $25 from Community Market
• Cody Love won $25 Family True Value Hardware
• Brianne Bogardus won $25 from Jeanne’s

Chamber university busienss showcase, 9 27 12

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