BFR Sports and Fitness seeks donations for Oct. 21 Halloween party
BFR will host a free Halloween party (scare free) on Sunday, Oct. 21, from 2-4 p.m. Games and crafts take place from 2-3 p.m. and costume judging is at 3 p.m.
BFR invites area businesses and organizations to contribute. There are several ways to contribute:
1 - Donation of prizes or candy for booths
2- Sets up and provides prizes for your choice of booth (BFR has ideas and materials)
3- Provides the cookies and/or drink for snack table
All companies/businesses participating will be able to display their company/business logos during this free community event. Recognition will be given to all who volunteer or donate.
If interested call or email by early this week to: Maranda Miller, 419-358-4150 or [email protected].