BHS musical involved lots of student behind-the-scene work

Bluffton High School’s musical "Alice in Wonderland" was presented on the middle school stage on April 12-14. This story written by Morgan Schroeder in a Bluffton High School art class, instructed by Vickie Garmon, tells about some of the behind-the-scene work.

The story states: The musical takes a lot of preparing, but it’s not all about memorizing lines. There’s much more that goes along with it, like preparing for the sets."

Many of Bluffton High School’s art students helped out with creating the set. "Alice in
Wonderland’s" setting was in a forest. Celeste Stauber (BHS junior) painted trees for the set’s background.

Another artist Mckenna Reneker (BHS senior) painted and designed the box that looks like a deck of cards. 

Lauren Yost (BHS junior) painted the mugs. The mugs were used for the Mad Hatter scene.

The attachment at the bottom of this story shows photos of some of these props and provides more background information. 

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