May 11 craft show is larger than last year - health fair joins the event

It's getting closer. 

Bluffton’s annual family-oriented spring arts and crafts show is from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, May 11, in downtown Bluffton. The 42nd annual show is sponsored by the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce.

Over 70 vendors are already registered for this year's show, which is a larger number than last year, according to Jerry Burkholder, show director.

The cost of a booth is $60 and a registration form is in an attachment and the bottom of this story. A few craft spots are still available, but are going fast.

This year's show will offer:
• Llama exhibit - from Hard Rock Llama Farm, rural Ada. The exhibit will be on Vine Street this year.
• Pumpkin Vine kiddie railroad - The set up is on East Elm Street between the town hall and Grove's.
• Health fair - new this year and coordinated by Bluffton Hospital. Several displays will be set up on Cherry Street.
• Bike rodeo - also new this year, and part of the health fair - will take place on Church Street.
• Pony rides, on the south end of the craft show.
• Various chamber members will have food booths along Main Street.
• Farmers' market - in Citizens National Bank parking lot.
• Entertainment - including Bluffton HS jazz band, Bluffton HS show choir, and One-In-A Number women's choir. Performances are in the morning on the corner of the Presbyterian Church lawn and Main.

Persons wanting more information may contact Fred Steiner, 419-369-2985, e-mail [email protected] or visit the chamber website at

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