Bluffton non-profit groups invited to take advantage of arts and crafts show

Bluffton non-profit organizations are invited to take advantage of a half-price booth cost for the May 22 arts and crafts show. Non-profit groups are invited to create a display about what their organization is all about. They may also sell items from their booth, if they choose.

"It's a great way for local clubs and organizations to share what they are all about to the community," said Jerry Burkholder, craft show vendor coordinator.

In addition to local clubs, Main Street businesses are encouraged to create their own product displays in front of their business during the craft show. Main Street businesses are not charged for this.

The show, sponsored by the Buffton Area Chamber of Commerce, is currently accepting craft vendor registrations. Crafters pay $40 for a 15 foot deep by 10 foot wide booth in the show. Bluffton non-profit groups are only charged $20 for those booths.

The $20 fee is good until May 1. After that the non-profit booth registration goes to $25. The craft vendor registration goes to $50.

Download and print the craft vendor registration form (pdf)

As of March 11, 21 crafters have sent in registration forms for this year's show.

Persons with specific questions about the event may e-mail the Bluffton chamber at [email protected].