Council report: Swimming pool patrons may now follow pool activities on Twitter

If swimming is your thing in the summer, you’ll be happy to know that you may now follow the Bluffton Community Swimming Pool on Twitter.

Jamie Mehaffie, village administrator, told The Icon that pool patrons may now follow the pool at “Bluffton Pool.” The pool managers will provide updates on pool activities, closing and conditions.

Also this year, patrons will notice a few changes at the pool. There is a new four-square and hop-scotch area, for example.

While the weather may not cooperate, the pool is ready to official open this weekend.

An update on the pool is part of Tuesday evening’s Bluffton council meeting.  Mehaffie will also give council an update on the waterline projects in the village.

The Campus View replacement project is complete except for patching the street. On Friday all of the services were transferred to the new main line.

The Eastland Drive water main is installed and awaits water sampling. The Tuesday council agenda is in an attachment at the bottom of this story.