Bluffton chamber's business showcase allows businesses to introduce themselves to university students

The Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce’s annual business showcase at Bluffton University is Thursday, Sept. 19. The deadline for sign up is Monday, Sept. 16.

The showcase is an excellent opportunity for chamber member businesses to display their products and services to Bluffton University students. Over 500 students will be in the Marbeck dining hall during the showcase.

Last year 25 businesses participated. For a registration form click here.

"We encourage as many chamber members as possible to participate. Businesses are encouraged to have lots of freebies to give to students. You may also want to consider having a drawing for a prize. Candy is permitted as a giveaway, but not food," said Fred Steiner of the chamber.

Each business receives one table. The cost for a table is $25 for chamber members and $50 for non-chamber members. Businesses registering will also receive one free lunch ticket. Non-chamber members may use the $50 entry toward a chamber membership.

A registration form is in the newsletter on the left side of this page. Persons with questions may contact the chamber at: [email protected].

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