Resignation of Dennis Gallant, Bluffton mayor, anticipated in tonight's council session
The Icon anticipates the resignation of Dennis Gallant, Bluffton mayor, during tonight's (June 2) council meeting. Watch the Icon tonight for how the mayoral succession and selection process for a potential vacant council seat takes place.
In the meantime, Jamie Mehaffie, village administrator, provides an update on several village issues. His report follows:
Town Hall
The Town Hall's fire suppression system and monitoring system are nearly fully back in operation. We are only missing the one dry pendant (the one that broke) and the replacement is on order. We are continuing to work with our insurance adjustor and our vendors to analyze our needs and the process to move forward .
While the building itself fared far better than it originally appeared that it would, the electrical components of the building took a beating-primarily the low voltage systems, computers and phones. The relative humidity levels recorded in the building were high enough to damage sensitive components. The issue with the phone system is a cascading issue as our remote facilities utilize the Town Hall system.
Mower Replacement
We were able to receive our replacement mowers at the end oflast week. The lift kits were back-ordered and will be installed when they come in. I would like to extend a special note of thanks to Neidert's Mowers, Bluffton University, and our own Bryan Lloyd for loaning us mowers in the interim. Having the mowers stolen right before Memorial Day when we are trying to get the cemetery looking as nice as we can was terrible timing.
Utility Bills
Residents should be receiving the new-format utility bills as I am typing this. We had intended to start the new bills with the June billing, but the printer that we use with the post-card bills was damaged at the Town Hall.
The bills received this month are not the final version that we will be using- the set-up on our biIls was not completed yet and Smart BiIl was able to send out a black and white version this month that does not include the information on the back of the bill. Beginning next month, the full version of our utility bill wiIl be used.
Pool Season
The pool wiIl officially open for the season on June 3. As last year, the pool wiIl be open Monday - Friday from 1-8 p.m. and on Saturday - Sunday from 1-6 p.m. The first session of swim lessons begins June 11 If residents have additional questions, they can contact the pool at 419-358-9661 during regular pool hours.
Spring Cleanup
The annual Spring Cleanup was heavily utilized by the community. In all, we had eight dumpsters filled and removed during the 10-day time period.
Waterline Projects
The Village will be advertising in the next weeks for the Kibler Street and Garmatter Street Water Main Replacement projects. We will not be able to award any contracts until after the financial agreements are executed with the State and we will not receive those from the State until after their fiscal year begin on July I. However, we can bid the project and analyze the bids before then so that we are ready to award the bids when the funds are available.
I am recommending that the Village Council hire Tre Miller as a seasonal employee with the Village Service Department. Tre worked with the Service Department during the school year as part of the OWE program and I would like to keep him on through the leaf pick-up season.
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