Bluffton High School class of 2024

Bluffton Child Development Center's pre-kindergarten class graduated on April 28 in a ceremony at Bluffton High School. BCDC graduations have taken place since 1991, according to Mary Painter. Among members of this year's grads are back row from left, Mason Painter, Julia Mehaffie, Tessah Kitchen, Paige McVetta and Josie Woodruff. Front from left, Wyatt Lovell, Justin Good, Allison Diller and Makayla Schweingruber. Other members of the class not photographed are Jasmin Alcocer, Laila Bazzy, Travis Kiracofe, Colton Klingler, Sam McFarland, Sami Scoles, Rylee Setzer, Jacob Szabo and Grant Wilson.